I met George P. Bush and didn't even know it

This was originally published in the April 7 print edition of the Midland Reporter-Telegram.

I never enjoy hearing the dreadful words: “politics aren’t my thing.” I especially dislike it because I consider myself to be more politically involved than the average Joe — or the average Brandi. I’m a journalist, so that seems reasonable. But I’m also the education reporter, which means I am expected to know a lot about a variety of topics.

That’s why, when scrolling through Facebook on March 29, I was surprised to see that Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush had been at a Midland elementary school that morning, and I wasn’t there to meet him or to cover the event. I was sick the day before, and I had an interview around the same time anyway.

So, that Friday morning, I walked into Brew St. and chose a table in the back room of the very crowded coffee shop. There were three men sitting at the table next to me; they were dressed in suits and ties, talking about the Rangers’ first baseball game. I interrupted, asking one of them if I could plug my phone in the outlet next to him. He said yes, and even started to move over a small decorative table, so I could place my phone on it until we found a closer outlet.

I told him, “Thank you anyway,” and I went about my day.

I had overheard the man who helped me talk to the other two about visiting Milam that morning. After reading the post online, that’s when it hit me: I had casually asked George P. Bush to plug in my phone for me.

At this moment, I truly felt ignorant about the political world. It was around midnight, but I immediately called my mom to tell her about what I thought was the dumbest moment I have ever had. It probably wasn’t my dumbest moment yet, and I’m certain it won’t be my dumbest going forward.

But still, I felt like I dropped the ball by not introducing myself or speaking to him more professionally. But, honestly, why in the world would I have assumed it was George P. Bush sitting at the table next to me in a Midland coffee shop when I would usually expect him to be at the Capitol? Even after making several excuses for myself, nothing could convince me it was OK to miss out on recognizing somebody that important.

So, I did what any millennial would do. I tweeted at him, apologizing for not immediately recognizing him and trying to defend myself because I had been sick the day before and left work early, so I did not know he was going to be in town.

The next morning, I woke up with a follow and a response from George P. Bush — and now 52 likes on the tweet of my very embarrassing moment.

He wrote to me, “You’re forgiven but I was glad I could find an electrical outlet for your multiple devices. It was great to be back in Midland teaching Texas history (with a thumbs-up emoji at the end).”

It made me feel so much better that he forgave my stupidity. He didn’t have to be so kind with his response; he certainly didn’t have to get up and move a small table over for me; and he really didn’t have to come to Midland to talk to a group of elementary students who probably weren’t all too familiar with what he came to teach them.

His visit reassured me why politics were so important to me to begin with. First, so I can avoid very, very dumb moments like that one. And second, because it affects the community and education in all matters.

So, I say: Thank you, Commissioner Bush, for the effort you put into the Midland and Texas communities. To be a politician is one thing, but to be a politician who clearly cares has an entire new importance to it — and I believe you are the latter.

Photo from Flickr

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