Review: Branson Long's 2019 album Ambivalence mixes soothing voice with melancholic lyrics

Favorite track(s): “Together,” “Sunday Afternoons”

Least favorite track(s): “Lake City”

Favorite lyrics: “Together”

Branson Long’s 2019 album Ambivalence began with a soft and mellow tune that many people couldn't complain about, even if they wanted to; in fact, most of the album felt very serene and calming. With the exception of one song that was more swift than the others and felt a bit out of place, the album was simple. Yet it was enjoyable in all aspects with its crisp lyrics and beautiful harmonies blended together with Long’s melodious voice.

From the beginning, a tender and expressive sound was produced by his acoustic, while later in the album comes the piano with a gentle tempo. The lilting rhythm in each song, melded with the depth of his words made it easy to listen to the 43-minute album. Each song carried the same level of emotion as the next, creating the same melancholic feeling for all listeners.

Long’s ability to paint an imagine with the words he sings is consistent in all 11 songs. “Brown sugar eyes, cotton candy clouds, bluebonnet skies,” Long sings in “Together” — which he released earlier in the year as his single. All songs carried an equal amount of weight, and that shouldn’t go unnoticed. It was clear he didn’t strive for the strength of any one song to be greater than the others; he sought perfection in all.

The album encompassed every characteristic a good album would, from his exquisite falsetto notes to his soft introductions and raw lyrics. And for it to be his first album, it wasn’t at all evident.

It was a safe album to begin a musical career with and exceptional enough to keep listeners looking forward to the next.

Click here to listen to the album.

Track by track reviews coming soon.

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