Social Media Policy

Social Media & Online Forum Policies

Brandi D. Addison is a news source with no other goal than to serve her readers. In doing so, I choose to ensure my social media remains family-friendly and inclusive, so all have the opportunity to learn from my content in a safe and comfortable space.

While it’s easy, especially these days, to react when content is angering or upsetting, the sole purpose of my social media is to provide accessible information to all. Respectfully, I ask that you keep your comments and posts appropriate. I will remove any threats or abusive comments. Please,

  • No graphic, obscene, explicit or racist comments/submissions

  • No comments/submissions that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone, any group or any organization.

  • No solicitations or advertisements.

  • Recognize that you participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, username and any information provided.

  • Understand that the appearance of external links does not represent an official endorsement on my behalf, nor do retweets, likes, reactions or shares.

  • Understand that opinions are my own and do not represent any of the news organizations, agencies or firms I am affiliated with.