A compilation of my favorite environmental resources: Part 1

The time is now to begin thinking about your impact on the climate.

Whether you believe in the climate crisis or not, shifting your behavior and actions to those that are more environmentally friendly can only improve your situation, not worsen it. The first place to start is with education.

Here’s a list of my favorite educational resources surrounding the environment.

Grist, news site

Environmental news site Grist is one of my all-time favorite sources for comprehensive environmental news. It is the only newsroom “focused on exploring solutions at the intersection of climate and justice.” Grist reports with accuracy and facts. I especially appreciate its intersectional focus with Indigenous populations.

Bonus: It’s accessible. Its entire website and all newsletters are free.

How to Save a Planet, podcast

Marine biologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and journalist Alex Blumberg co-host the weekly podcast, discussing all things climate. The two keep the topic entertaining and interesting, producing far-above-par content.

Episodes range from the intersectional “Black Lives Matter and the Climate” and “Making Republicans Environmentalists Again” to the impact of electric cars on the environment and how to talk with family about climate change. My personal favorite: A conversation about hope with my biggest conservation inspiration Dr. Jane Goodall.

Listen to How to Save a Planet on Spotify.

BBC Earth, podcast

BBC Earth brings a collection of entertaining stories about nature, science and all living creatures. While not necessarily about climate change or environmentalism, its content reinforces the importance of preserving each individual species’ uniqueness and how all of nature impacts the world collectively.

Learn about the earth’s rarest ocean mammal, the vaquita, which is on the brink of extinction — “or the artists of the animal kingdom.”

Listen to BBC Earth on Spotify.