BIG NEWS: We're moving (not physically, just virtually)

Hey guys! We're moving...

As much as I appreciate your support — and hope that you will continue to support my efforts — I've decided to move this initiative to my own website.

Patreon doesn't give me the variety of features I would prefer to utilize in content creating.

Don't worry, you'll still get all the same services — just on a different website that gives me a lot more creative autonomy and makes your experience more enjoyable. Instead of receiving an email from Patreon each time I write a blog post, you'll receive one from me.

Additionally, I dropped my workload with The Dallas Morning News, so. I can focus on creating better independent content. You all will be hearing from me a lot more!

You can continue to subscribe via Patreon, however, or you can head over to my store on my website.

Either way, here's our new home.

It's only visible to subscribers and will include fresh content, early access to independent work and some subscriber-only content! I can't wait for y'all to join me.

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